After three weeks of evening and weekend work I am almost through revewing my 18000 images. I am preparing for the world premier :) a presentation in the HIVE at work. Which should be interesting. It has been fascinating trawling through the images and finding the occassional nugget that I had no idea I had taken at the time. My Dell netbook was just not capable of showing the images as I needed to see them. There is an important trade off between weight and what you need the technology to deliver. Certaily in future I need to think of other ways to review my work in the field. it would be easy if you didn't have to carry it all!
A 22kg box of paper and chemicals were dispatched to Kiran in Kathmandu this week. This will allow him to print the limited edition prints. Realistically I expect these to be available around about February.
Nirajan is making good progress with the web revision. We talk at the weekend on Google Talk. He recommended this to me and it works very well. The website will hopefully be up and running by the end of the year wherupon I will upload the Nepal content.
In the meantime her is an image which is one of my faourites. It is the happy smile of Nepal.